Structured Investment Vehicle

Structured Investment Vehicle
SIV (структурная инвестиционная компания)
разновидность Спецюрлиц, которые финансируют покупку своих активов (в основном высоконадежных ценных бумаг) посредством выпуска коммерческих бумаг и/или среднесрочных долговых обязательств. В случае дефолта SIV может возникнуть необходимость ликвидации его активов, поэтому присваиваемые рейтинги SIV отражают риски, связанные с ухудшением кредитного качества портфеля и снижением рыночной стоимости активов.

Ипотека. Словарь терминов. . 2011.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "Structured Investment Vehicle" в других словарях:

  • structured investment vehicle — (SIV) United Kingdom A special purpose vehicle set up to buy highly rated debt securities (debt security) (such as mortgage backed securities). Complex computer software is used to create models that predict cashflow from the debt securities in a …   Law dictionary

  • Structured investment vehicle — A structured investment vehicle (SIV) was a type of fund in the shadow banking system from the mid 1980 s until late 2008. The strategy of these funds was to borrow money by issuing short term securities at low interest and then lends that money… …   Wikipedia

  • Structured Investment Vehicle — Als Conduit wird eine Refinanzierungsstruktur bezeichnet, bei der mittels einer Zweckgesellschaft (engl.: SPV) Wertpapiere wie z. B. ABS oder CDO oder andere Forderungen wie z. B. Kredite oder Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen von extern …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Structured Investment Vehicle - SIV — A pool of investment assets that attempts to profit from credit spreads between short term debt and long term structured finance products such as asset backed securities (ABS). Funding for SIVs comes from the issuance of commercial paper that is… …   Investment dictionary

  • Structured finance — is a broad term used to describe a sector of finance that was created to help transfer risk using complex legal and corporate entities.tructureecuritizationSecuritization is the method which participants of structured finance utilize to create… …   Wikipedia

  • special purpose vehicle — (SPV) 1) A legal entity created for a limited purpose, usually for the acquisition and/or financing of a project. special purpose vehicle abbr. SPV: A legal entity created for a limited purpose. SPVs are used for a number of purposes including… …   Law dictionary

  • special-purpose vehicle — (SPV) 1) A legal entity created for a limited purpose, usually for the acquisition and/or financing of a project. special purpose vehicle abbr. SPV: A legal entity created for a limited purpose. SPVs are used for a number of purposes including t …   Law dictionary

  • Special Purpose Vehicle — Als Zweckgesellschaft, engl.: Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) oder Special Purpose Entity (SPE) wird eine juristische Person bezeichnet, die für einen klar definierten und eingegrenzten Zweck gegründet wird.[1] Nach Erreichen ihres Zwecks kann die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Special Purpose Vehicle — Fonds commun de créances Le Fonds commun de créances (FCC), également connu sous le nom de Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) est régulièrement utilisé dans les opérations de déconsolidation via des techniques de titrisation de certains actifs des… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Real estate investment trust — A real estate investment trust or REIT (  /ˈriːt …   Wikipedia

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