Structured Finance

Structured Finance
(структурное финансирование)
тип финансирования, при котором кредитное качество выпущенных долговых обязательств оценивается на основе прямой гарантии третьей стороны или на основе качества активов заемщика, а не на основе финансовой устойчивости самого заемщика.

Ипотека. Словарь терминов. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "Structured Finance" в других словарях:

  • Structured finance — is a broad term used to describe a sector of finance that was created to help transfer risk using complex legal and corporate entities.tructureecuritizationSecuritization is the method which participants of structured finance utilize to create… …   Wikipedia

  • structured finance — See …   Law dictionary

  • Structured Finance — A service that generally involves highly complex financial transactions offered by many large financial institutions for companies with very unique financing needs. These financing needs usually don t match conventional financial products such as …   Investment dictionary

  • Structured Finance — Unter Strukturierten Finanzierungen (engl. structured finance) versteht man in der Bankpraxis die Zusammensetzung einer Finanzierung aus mehreren Elementen. Strukturierte Finanzierungen unterscheiden sich von der reinen Kreditvergabe durch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • structured finance: overview — See …   Law dictionary

  • Structured Finance — Financial Engineering. Teilaufgabengebiet des Corporate Finance. Unter St.F. wird das Erstellen einer wirtschaftlichen Problemlösung eines finanzwirtschaftlichen Gesamtkonzepts meist durch die Hausbank eines Firmenkunden und die anschließende… …   Lexikon der Economics

  • structured finance — A general term used to describe either the practice or the result of creating securities by repackaging cash flows from financial contracts. Examples include MBSs, CMOs, ABSs, and CDOs. American Banker Glossary Often refers to a group within an… …   Financial and business terms

  • structured finance — The creation of debt instruments by securitization or the addition of derivatives to existing instruments …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Finance — For the Slovenian newspaper, see Finance (newspaper). Finance Financial markets …   Wikipedia

  • Structured product — A structured product is generally a pre packaged investment strategy which is based on derivatives, such as a single security, a basket of securities, options, indices, commodities, debt issuances and/or foreign currencies, and to a lesser extent …   Wikipedia

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