Structured Notes

Structured Notes
различные виды так называемых структурированных облигаций, купонная ставка или сумма выплаты основного долга по которым привязаны к определенному индексу.

Ипотека. Словарь терминов. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "Structured Notes" в других словарях:

  • structured notes — The broad, regulatory definition of this term is debt securities whose cash flow characteristics ( coupon, redemption amount, or stated maturity) depend upon one or more indices and/or that have embedded forwards or options. For example, since… …   Financial and business terms

  • Structured finance — is a broad term used to describe a sector of finance that was created to help transfer risk using complex legal and corporate entities.tructureecuritizationSecuritization is the method which participants of structured finance utilize to create… …   Wikipedia

  • Structured programming — can be seen as a subset or subdiscipline of procedural programming, one of the major programming paradigms. It is most famous for removing or reducing reliance on the GOTO statement.Historically, several different structuring techniques or… …   Wikipedia

  • Structured query language — SQL Apparu en 1974 Auteur …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Structured product — A structured product is generally a pre packaged investment strategy which is based on derivatives, such as a single security, a basket of securities, options, indices, commodities, debt issuances and/or foreign currencies, and to a lesser extent …   Wikipedia

  • Structured sale — A structured sale is a special type of installment sale pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code. [usc|26|453.] Installment sales permit sellers to defer recognition of gains on the sale of a business or real estate to the tax year in which the… …   Wikipedia

  • Structured Query Language — SQL Apparu en 1974 Auteur Donald D. Chamberlin et Raymond F. Boyce Développeur IBM Dernière version stabl …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Structured investment vehicle — A structured investment vehicle (SIV) was a type of fund in the shadow banking system from the mid 1980 s until late 2008. The strategy of these funds was to borrow money by issuing short term securities at low interest and then lends that money… …   Wikipedia

  • Structured Investment Vehicle — Als Conduit wird eine Refinanzierungsstruktur bezeichnet, bei der mittels einer Zweckgesellschaft (engl.: SPV) Wertpapiere wie z. B. ABS oder CDO oder andere Forderungen wie z. B. Kredite oder Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen von extern …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Principal at risk notes — What are Principal at Risk Notes? Ending Value Higher Benefits of PARs * Enhanced/Leveraged Return ** Upside: Receive a return that is enhanced by leverage so that it will be higher than the actually return, subject to any caps. ** Downside:… …   Wikipedia

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