special purpose vehicle — (SPV) 1) A legal entity created for a limited purpose, usually for the acquisition and/or financing of a project. special purpose vehicle abbr. SPV: A legal entity created for a limited purpose. SPVs are used for a number of purposes including… … Law dictionary
special-purpose vehicle — (SPV) 1) A legal entity created for a limited purpose, usually for the acquisition and/or financing of a project. special purpose vehicle abbr. SPV: A legal entity created for a limited purpose. SPVs are used for a number of purposes including t … Law dictionary
special purpose vehicle — special purpose entity ( SPE); special purpose vehicle ( SPV) A legal entity, sometimes a trust or a limited partnership, that is created solely for the purpose of holding assets. (1) The SPV may be used to obtain off balance sheet funding by… … Financial and business terms
Special Purpose Vehicle — Als Zweckgesellschaft, engl.: Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) oder Special Purpose Entity (SPE) wird eine juristische Person bezeichnet, die für einen klar definierten und eingegrenzten Zweck gegründet wird.[1] Nach Erreichen ihres Zwecks kann die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Special Purpose Vehicle — Fonds commun de créances Le Fonds commun de créances (FCC), également connu sous le nom de Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) est régulièrement utilisé dans les opérations de déconsolidation via des techniques de titrisation de certains actifs des… … Wikipédia en Français
special purpose vehicle — specialioji įmonė statusas Aprobuotas sritis draudimas apibrėžtis Įmonė, kuri perima draudimo ar perdraudimo įmonių riziką ir kuri siekia užsitikrinti prisiimtų įsipareigojimų įvykdymą pajamomis, gautomis išleidus skolos vertybinius popierius,… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
special-purpose vehicle — transportation vehicle designed to fulfill a specific purpose … English contemporary dictionary
special-purpose vehicle — A vehicle incorporating a special chassis and designed to meet a specialized requirement … Military dictionary
Special Purpose Vehicle/Entity - SPV/SPE — 1. Also referred to as a bankruptcy remote entity whose operations are limited to the acquisition and financing of specific assets. The SPV is usually a subsidiary company with an asset/liability structure and legal status that makes its… … Investment dictionary
special purpose entity — ( SPE); special purpose vehicle ( SPV) A legal entity, sometimes a trust or a limited partnership, that is created solely for the purpose of holding assets. (1) The SPV may be used to obtain off balance sheet funding by obtaining secured loans… … Financial and business terms