Special-Purpose Entity

Special-Purpose Entity
спецюрлицо, защищенное от банкротства (в форме партнерства, траста, корпорации, общества с ограниченной ответственностью или в любой другой форме).

Ипотека. Словарь терминов. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "Special-Purpose Entity" в других словарях:

  • special purpose entity — + special purpose entity (SPE) USA Also known as bankruptcy remote entity, single purpose entity, special purpose vehicle and SPV. An entity formed to develo …   Law dictionary

  • special purpose entity — ( SPE); special purpose vehicle ( SPV) A legal entity, sometimes a trust or a limited partnership, that is created solely for the purpose of holding assets. (1) The SPV may be used to obtain off balance sheet funding by obtaining secured loans… …   Financial and business terms

  • Special purpose entity — A special purpose entity (SPE) (sometimes, especially in Europe, special purpose vehicle or simply SPV) is a body corporate (usually a limited company of some type or, sometimes, a limited partnership) created to fulfill narrow, specific or… …   Wikipedia

  • Special Purpose Entity — Als Zweckgesellschaft, engl.: Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) oder Special Purpose Entity (SPE) wird eine juristische Person bezeichnet, die für einen klar definierten und eingegrenzten Zweck gegründet wird.[1] Nach Erreichen ihres Zwecks kann die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Special-Purpose Entity — A financing technique in which a company decreases its risk by creating separate partnerships, rather than subsidiaries ( subsidiary), for certain holdings and solicits outside investors to take on the risk. In order to qualify as a special… …   Financial and business terms

  • Special Purpose Entity — SPE An organization or entity established as a vehicle for *off balance sheet financing. The use of SPEs played a major role in the *Enron corporate governance scandal, and as a consequence the topic has attracted the attention of *accounting… …   Auditor's dictionary

  • securitisation special purpose entity — specialusis pakeitimo vertybiniais popieriais subjektas statusas Aprobuotas sritis kredito ir finansų įstaigos apibrėžtis Patikėtinė korporacija arba kitas subjektas (ne bankas), kurio vienintelis tikslas – atlikti pakeitimą (pakeitimus)… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • special purpose vehicle — (SPV) 1) A legal entity created for a limited purpose, usually for the acquisition and/or financing of a project. special purpose vehicle abbr. SPV: A legal entity created for a limited purpose. SPVs are used for a number of purposes including… …   Law dictionary

  • special-purpose vehicle — (SPV) 1) A legal entity created for a limited purpose, usually for the acquisition and/or financing of a project. special purpose vehicle abbr. SPV: A legal entity created for a limited purpose. SPVs are used for a number of purposes including t …   Law dictionary

  • special purpose vehicle — special purpose entity ( SPE); special purpose vehicle ( SPV) A legal entity, sometimes a trust or a limited partnership, that is created solely for the purpose of holding assets. (1) The SPV may be used to obtain off balance sheet funding by… …   Financial and business terms

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