Credit-Linked Note

Credit-Linked Note
(кредитная нота)
ценная бумага, платежи по которой зависят от наступления определенного кредитного события или изменения кредитного показателя какого-либо лица или пула активов. Например, выплаты по кредитным нотам могут быть поставлены в зависимость от уровня потерь в заданном пуле ипотечных кредитов, который должен быть ниже определенной величины. Поскольку входящие в такой пул активы находятся на балансе у оригинатора или собственника активов, оригинатор или собственник могут рассматривать кредитные ноты как гарантию от потерь по этим активам.

Ипотека. Словарь терминов. . 2011.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат

Смотреть что такое "Credit-Linked Note" в других словарях:

  • Credit Linked Note — Pour les articles homonymes, voir CLN. Le titre obligataire lié[1] aussi appelé credit linked note (CLN) est un dérivé de crédit financé qui a recours dans son montage à un credit default swap (CDS) pour transférer un risque de crédit, mais ce en …   Wikipédia en Français

  • credit-linked note — (CLN) United Kingdom A funded credit derivative in the form of a debt security, under which the investor in the note will receive the face value of the note at maturity unless there is a default by an underlying third party referenced by the note …   Law dictionary

  • Credit-linked note — A credit linked note (CLN) is a form of funded credit derivative. It is structured as a security with an embedded credit default swap allowing the issuer to transfer a specific credit risk to credit investors. The issuer is not obligated to repay …   Wikipedia

  • Credit Linked Note — Der Begriff Credit Linked Notes (kurz CLN) bezeichnet Anleihen, deren Rückzahlungshöhe von bestimmten vertraglich vereinbarten Kreditereignissen abhängen. Sie gehören zu den strukturierten Anleihen. Sie ermöglichen es dem Emittenten Kreditrisiken …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Credit linked note — Pour les articles homonymes, voir CLN. Le titre obligataire lié[1] aussi appelé credit linked note (CLN) est un dérivé de crédit financé qui a recours dans son montage à un credit default swap (CDS) pour transférer un risque de crédit, mais ce en …   Wikipédia en Français

  • credit linked note — A type of credit derivative instrument. Credit linked notes are a securitized form of credit derivatives. The protection buyer issues notes. If a specified credit event occurs, the investor who buys the notes has to suffer either a delay in… …   Financial and business terms

  • Credit Linked Note - CLN — A security with an embedded credit default swap allowing the issuer to transfer a specific credit risk to credit investors. CLNs are created through a Special Purpose Company (SPC), or trust, which is collateralized with AAA rated securities.… …   Investment dictionary

  • Equity-Linked Note — An Equity Linked Note (ELN) is a debt instrument, usually a bond, that differs from a standard fixed income security in that the final payout is based on the return of the underlying equity , which can be a single stock, basket of stocks, or an… …   Wikipedia

  • credit linked security — A type of credit derivative instrument. Credit linked notes are a securitized form of credit derivatives. The protection buyer issues notes. If a specified credit event occurs, the investor who buys the notes has to suffer either a delay in… …   Financial and business terms

  • Credit derivative — In finance, a credit derivative is a securitized derivative whose value is derived from the credit risk on an underlying bond, loan or any other financial asset. In this way, the credit risk is on an entity other than the counterparties to the… …   Wikipedia

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