balloon loan — A loan for which the final payment, larger than all of the previous, regularly scheduled payments, is due in a lump sum before the loan is fully amortized. The final payment is called a balloon payment. American Banker Glossary * * * balloon loan … Financial and business terms
Balloon Loan — A type of loan which does not fully amortize over its term. Since it is not fully amortized, a balloon payment is required at the end of the term to repay the remaining principal balance of the loan. Balloon loans can be attractive to short term… … Investment dictionary
balloon — bal·loon adj: being or having a final installment that is much larger than preceding ones in an installment or term loan a balloon payment ◇ In contrast to an amortized loan, a balloon loan is generally repaid in periodic payments of interest and … Law dictionary
Balloon payment — The phrase balloon payment or bullet payment refers to one of two ways for repaying a loan; the other type is called amortizing payment or Amortization (business) .With a balloon loan , a balloon payment is paid back when the loan comes to its… … Wikipedia
loan — money lent at interest.A lender makes a loan with the idea that it will be paid back as agreed and that interest will be paid for the use of the money. Glossary of Business Terms Temporary borrowing of a sum of money. If you borrow $1 million you … Financial and business terms
balloon payment — /bə lu:n ˌpeɪmənt/ noun the last payment, usually much larger than the others, that is made when repaying a balloon loan … Marketing dictionary in english
balloon mortgage — see mortgage Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. balloon mortgage n … Law dictionary
balloon payment — n. The large payment due at the end of the term of a balloon note. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. balloon payment A large final paymen … Law dictionary
balloon — [bə lo͞on′] n. [Fr ballon, altered (after balle) < It pallone, large ball < palla, ball < Langobardic * palla (OHG balla), BALL1] 1. an airtight bag that rises and floats above the earth when filled with hot air or a gas lighter than air … English World dictionary
Loan modification in the United States — Loan modification, the systematic alteration of contactual mortgage loan agreements, has been practiced in the United States since the 1930s. During the Great Depression loan modification programs took place at the state level in an effort to… … Wikipedia