Prepayment Rate

Prepayment Rate
(скорость досрочного погашения)
частота, с которой происходило досрочное погашение в определенном пуле ипотечных кредитов или иных активов, выраженная в процентах от оставшейся совокупной суммы основного долга. Скорость досрочного погашения часто зависит от процентных ставок на рынке.

Ипотека. Словарь терминов. . 2011.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат

Смотреть что такое "Prepayment Rate" в других словарях:

  • prepayment rate — A representation that reflects the rate at which prepayments are received or forecasted to be received for a mortgage loan, a pool of mortgage loans, or an MBS. May be expressed as a PSA or CPR speed. American Banker Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • PSA Prepayment Rate — The Bond Market Trade Association s Mortgaged Asset Backed Securities Division s prepayment model based on an assumed rate of prepayment each month of the then unpaid principal balance of a pool of mortgages. PSA is used primarily to derive an… …   Financial and business terms

  • constant prepayment rate — ( CPR) A measure of the historical or expected prepayment of principal on a mortgage or an MBS that expresses the prepayment as a constant proportion of the outstanding principal. The CPR is an annualized expression of the SMM that reflects… …   Financial and business terms

  • Conditional Prepayment Rate - CPR — A loan prepayment rate that is equal to the proportion of the principal of a pool of loans that is assumed to be paid off prematurely in each period. The calculation of this estimate is based on a number of factors such as historical prepayment… …   Investment dictionary

  • Conditional prepayment rate — or CPR is a measure of the rate of payments from a bond that pays principal payments in excess of scheduled payments (so called prepayments). Such bonds include mortgage backed securities, CMOs, and ABS, which prepay at some rate usually… …   Wikipedia

  • break-even prepayment rate — The specific prepayment rate ( speed) at which the yield of a mortgage security is equal to the yield available from another security to which it is being compared. American Banker Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • Prepayment Model — A model used to estimate the level of prepayments on a loan portfolio that will occur in a set period of time, given possible changes in interest rates. Prepayment models are based on mathematical equations and usually involve the analysis of… …   Investment dictionary

  • Prepayment — is early repayment of a loan by a borrower. In the case of a mortgage backed security (MBS), prepayment is perceived as a risk, because mortgage debts are often paid off early in order to incur lower total interest payments through cheaper… …   Wikipedia

  • Prepayment Risk — The risk associated with the early unscheduled return of principal on a fixed income security. Some fixed income securities, such as mortgage backed securities, have embedded call options which may be exercised by the issuer, or in the case of a… …   Investment dictionary

  • prepayment estimate — A reasonable and supportable forecast of loan prepayments. In the case of a mortgage backed security, it is the forecast of principal amortization caused by loan prepayments. A single prepayment estimate is associated with each projected interest …   Financial and business terms

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