Amortization Period

Amortization Period
период, который может следовать за револьверным периодом сделки . В течение периода амортизации происходит частичная выплата основного долга и процентов.

Ипотека. Словарь терминов. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "Amortization Period" в других словарях:

  • amortization period — For financial instruments, the time from the inception of a loan or investment instrument with scheduled principal repayments to the due date of the final contractually obligated principal repayment. For fixed assets, the period from the… …   Financial and business terms

  • amortization — I noun clearance, defrayal, defrayment, disbursement, discharge, extinction of a debt, extinguishment of claim, liquidation of a debt, payment, remittance, satisfaction associated concepts: amortization contract, amortization of a mortgage,… …   Law dictionary

  • Amortization — or amortisation is the process of decreasing, or accounting for, an amount over a period of time. The word comes from Middle English amortisen to kill, alienate in mortmain, from Anglo French amorteser , alteration of amortir , from Vulgar Latin… …   Wikipedia

  • Amortization calculator — An amortization calculator is used to determine the periodic payment amount due on a loan (typically a mortgage), based on the amortization process. The amortization repayment model factors varying amounts of both interest and principal into… …   Wikipedia

  • Amortization schedule — An amortization schedule is a table detailing each periodic payment on a amortizing loan (typically a mortgage), as generated by an amortization calculator. While a portion of every payment is applied towards both the interest and the principal… …   Wikipedia

  • Amortization (tax law) — In tax law, amortization refers to the cost recovery system for intangible property. Although the theory behind cost recovery deductions of amortization is to deduct from, basis in a systematic manner over their estimated useful economic lives so …   Wikipedia

  • amortization — /am euhr teuh zay sheuhn, euh mawr /, n. 1. an act or instance of amortizing a debt or other obligation. 2. the sums devoted to this purpose. Also, amortizement. [1665 75; < ML a(d)mortization (s. of admortizatio). See AMORTIZE, ATION] * * * In… …   Universalium

  • Amortization (business) — For other uses of Amortization, see the Amortization disambiguation page. Amortization is the distribution of a single lump sum cash flow into many smaller cash flow installments, as determined by an amortization schedule. Unlike other repayment… …   Wikipedia

  • Amortization — 1. The paying off of debt in regular installments over a period of time. 2. The deduction of capital expenses over a specific period of time (usually over the asset s life). More specifically, this method measures the consumption of the value of… …   Investment dictionary

  • amortization — (1) The process of making regular, periodic decreases in the book or carrying value of an asset. For example, when a bond is purchased at a price above 100, the difference between the purchase price and the par value, the premium, is amortized.… …   Financial and business terms

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